Behold, some editorials and satire pieces published out in the world.
Record Kindness
On the remarkable kindness of one Con Ed foreman and my dire need for quiet during a voiceover recording session. [The Gray Lady wielded her red pen and renamed my piece “Defying the Jackhammer.” That’s fine, but I give you my original title here.]
Script Guidelines for Your Hallmark Channel Christmas Movie
We’re thrilled to spend another summer shooting 147 enchanting heteronormative Christmas-themed films in Canada and invite everyone — yes, everyone — to submit their made-for-tv-movie holiday teleplay.
Angela Chase from "My So-Called Life," 39, Announces Bid for Congress
Education reform is crucial. And there’s so much to be, like, done. Like if the love of your life, or, I don’t know, your soul or whatever can’t read, because I mean, if they can’t read how can they even vote? Like for you?
A Great Commute
My husband has a ritual when I leave for work each day. “Have an easy commute,” he says. It’s a blessing of sorts, since the subway system can leave much to be desired.
Words Jay-Z Intersperses Into Songs as He Approaches 50
Safety features
Electric light bill
Bursitus -
The Antique Coffee Pot
I’m not sure anyone else would consider a coffee maker an item with sentimental value, but I have so many memories of waking up after sleepovers at my grandparents’ house and hearing that percolator do its thing.
That September Morning
Remembering 9/11 as a college student living under the towers.
The Consequences of Disposable Fashion: The year I quit shopping
My mission: Spend one full year without purchasing new clothing, shoes, purses, accessories or jewelry. Anne Hathaway shared this piece to her 7,684,627,279 followers, touting the clarity and education here. I still fantasize about being her bff.
You're not alone in feeling alone: Why it's hard for adults to make friends
“Practically every light-hearted comedy or TV sitcom makes me feel like I should be drinking wine every night with my best friend while one of us tries on clothes from a massive walk-in closet.” [I anticipated vitriol in the comments with this one. Instead, hundreds upon hundreds replied they wished to find more ways to connect with others.]
Do Not Hang Up! I Am the Voice of Your Robocalls And I Have Exciting News About This Mortal Coil
“I have exciting news: I will take unsubstantiated legal action against you. Our records show you qualify for life insurance, which you should press 1 and accept, because I am threatening you.”
I’m in a book.
In their monster truck-sized humor anthology, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency included a satire piece I wrote, which you can order here. For the launch, I performed a reading of my piece — Angela Chase from My So-Called Life, 39, Announces Bid for Congress — in Brooklyn, New York, in full Claire Danes flannel-era splendor.
“Sarah Sweeney did a spot-on, f*cking perfect impression of Angela Chase.”